


About Us

SwarmPatrol.com has been set up for the convenience of both the general public and Beekeepers. In the current times of diminishing bee population, every bee colony that is saved and relocated into proper hives, will help to maintain the bee population.

As we know, bees are extremely important in our food production cycle so killing them should be avoided at all costs. They can be seen as a nuisance when they swarm and locate themselves in sometimes the most inconvenient places, but they should be excused as they are following their natural instinct to reproduce and multiply in order to maintain their population.

The SwarmPatrol web site will facilitate a very fast notification of any swarms or feral colonies, which can then be collected by Beekeepers to be relocated. The very powerful Geopositioning function of SwarmPatrol.com will enable the closest Beekeepers to the swarm to be notified by a text message to their cell phones, thus guaranteeing the quickest possible response for the convenience of the public. The SwarmPatroller will make contact with the person reporting the swarm and will arrange for the removal of it either at no charge or at a mutually agreeable fee.

Additionally SwarmPatrol.com will log the times and positions of swarms, which in time, will assist Beekeepers in colony management. These statistics in the future could prove very valuable in predicting accurately swarm periods in various geographical locations and could point to some Apiaries which may need better swarm management.

We hope to expand the site to collect more data as required by the industry. We welcome any feedback and suggestions from the public and the industry – please let us know the good stories, send us photographs and tell us about your experiences with our SwarmPatrollers.