



Nates free bee swarm and unwanted hive removal's  By: Nathan

Removal of large and small swarms, unwanted hives and established hives in walls as no cost unless further than 50km......Read More

Swarms wanted  By: Jason

Why not get paid for phoning in a swarm? I will pay you  $20 for a swarm hanging if I can get there before it takes off. It’s important .....Read More

Administration pls contact me  By: Neil

How do I remove myself from swarm patrol.....Read More

Swarm in wall cavity  By: Nick

Hello! seeking help to capture a swarm located at 102 Keon Street, Thornbury inside a hollow core, cement sheet cladded boundary wall. We are Thorn.....Read More

Happy to pickup swarms across Melbourne and country-side  By: Abdullah

I am a fellow bee-keeper looking for swarms to save. Reach out if you're in Melbourne, Australia and would like to report a swarm. 041091497 (f.....Read More

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