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flourishing hive no longer wanted, Preston Vic 0423693011
By:Aldin On:2024-12-13
0433 142 617
By:MRS Bondoc On:2024-03-19
1. My husband was mowing the loan & was attacked by bees coming from nowhere? 4.As I was hanging clothes at the pergola saw another hive hanging on a potted plant. My number +61 0433 142 617 2. I was just bitten by bees today 19/03/24 when I tried to open our mail box. 3.Yesterday 18/03/24 there were bees flying around my visitor at the backyard & saw a hive under the seat of the unused excerciser.
By:Mrs. I. Bondoc On:2024-03-19
1. My husband was mowing the loan & was attacked by bees coming from nowhere? 4.As I was hanging clothes at the pergola saw another hive hanging on a potted plant. My number +61 0433 142 617 2. I was just bitten by bees today 19/03/24 when I tried to open our mail box. 3.Yesterday 18/03/24 there were bees flying around my visitor at the backyard & saw a hive under the seat of the unused excerciser.
By:Mrs. I. Bondoc On:2024-03-19
Hi, A swarm of honey bees have settled in an accessible tree overhanging a neighbours yard in Narara NSW. Phone is 0466029961. Thanking you
By:Robyn Grose On:2023-12-26